Beat-finding using Fourier transform#

Finding a best-describing underlying beat in a sequence can be done using Fourier transforms, where we decompose a signal into its frequency components.

Using thebeat this is a piece of cake. We use the thebeat.stats.fft_plot() function to plot the Fourier transform. On the x axis will be the number of cycles per ‘unit’. The unit size depends on the time unit used when creating the Sequence objects. If you used seconds, the unit size is 1. If you used milliseconds, the unit size is 1000.

We create an example sequence, and initiate a random number generator with a seed, so you will get the same output as we:

from thebeat import Sequence
import numpy as np

rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=123)

seq = Sequence.generate_random_normal(n_events=100, mu=500, sigma=25, rng=rng)

Now we plot the Fourier transform. Because we created our Sequence object using millisecond values, we will choose a unit size of 1000.

from thebeat.stats import fft_plot

fft_plot(seq, unit_size=1000);

On the x axis we see the number of ‘cycles per second’. We chose a unit size of 1000 (ms), and so 100 cycles per unit in our case means 100 cycles per second. That’s very fast, and we probably don’t expect some sort of underlying beat to happen at that pace. So, we limit the x axis by setting x_max to 10 (i.e. 10 Hz, or a beat IOI of 100 ms, in our case).

fft_plot(seq, unit_size=1000, x_max=10);

We see a very clear peak at around 2 cycles per second, i.e. every 500 ms.

If we want to know the exact number of cycles per unit of the peak, we can use another function in thebeat’s stats module, namely thebeat.stats.fft_values(), which returns the x and y values of the plot. We get the biggest y value that is not at x = 0 (which will always be the highest), and then use the index of that value to find the corresponding x value (i.e. the frequency/cycles per unit we’re interested in). Like so:

from thebeat.stats import fft_values

# Get x and y data
x, y = fft_values(seq, unit_size=1000, x_max=10)

# Subset data so that we skip the max power at x = 0
x, y = x[1:], y[1:]

# Get index of maximum y value
max_y_index = np.argmax(y)
max_x = x[max_y_index]
print(f"The largest peak is at {max_x} Hz")
print(f"This corresponds to a beat IOI of {1000 / max_x} ms")

The largest peak is at 1.9925931889541908 Hz
This corresponds to a beat IOI of 501.8585858585858 ms