Drop thebeat

Drop thebeat#

thebeat is a Python package for working with temporal sequences and rhythms in the behavioural and cognitive sciences. It provides functionality for creating stimuli, and for visualizing and analyzing temporal data.

thebeat is a collection of widely accepted methods for use in timing research, and will save you time when creating experiments or analyzing data. thebeat is an open-source, on-going, and collaborative project, integrating easily with the existing Python ecosystem, and with your own scripts. The package was specifically designed to be useful for both skilled and novice programmers.


Here you can find instructions on how to install thebeat.

Getting started

Start using thebeat right away with an easy example and a short explanation of how the package works.


Follow tutorial-style examples, and get tips and tricks of how to work with thebeat. All examples include code and explanations.

Functions lookup table

Click here to see an overview of functionality included in thebeat with links to examples and documentation.

API reference

Here you can find the documentation of all functions included in thebeat.

How to cite and references

If you use thebeat in your research, please cite the package. Here you can find the reference, as well as references used in the documentation.